Bacillus Subtilis

  • Hi there! I am a Gram-Positive, coccal-shaped, facultative anaerobic bacterium.
  • I am a rod-shaped, motile, Gram-positive, facultative aerobic, spore forming bacteria.
  • I am generally found in soil and vegetation and my optimal temperature for growth ranges from 25-35 degrees Celsius.
  • I have the ability to produce and secrete antibiotics like, polymyxin, difficidin, subtilin, and mycobacillin.
  • The antibiotics are secreted during sporulation increase my chances of survival among other competing microbes.
  • I am a model organism for studying endospore formation in bacteria. Endospore formation results in spore forming bacteria to be able to withstand harsh environmental conditions such as UV lights and high temperatures.
  • I am generally non-pathogenic but I may contaminate food and also act as an opportunistic pathogen for the immune-compromised.
  • My spores can spread on seeds, vegetables, and plants as a fungicide, while competing with other disease causing organisms. Some of us are also capable of producing toxins for insects.
  • Primary infections caused by me can be treated with antibiotics such as vancomycin and clindamycin.
  • I have the ability to form endospores as a result of which microbiologists utilize me as a standard for evaluating the effectiveness of sporicides and sterilants.